Sunday, September 22, 2013


I have met some really nice female LEOS in my existence.
They are very positive, supportive, compassionate, and can tolerate my humor and Piscean Ways!

ANGELES:  ANGELES and I met via Catholic Match which is a Catholic dating service. I had no profile picture. Folks on dating sites will not want to communicate with souls who do not post a pix.

Angeles did not mind. WE exchanged emails. WE spoke on the phone.

WE met on September 25, 2008 at the Barnes And Noble and sipped on some Starbucks java as the full moon danced in the dark velvet sky. Night time and coffee!

WE actually had a great time. I was afraid I would land her in the hospital with Extreme Boredom! Not the case. Thankfully.

I found her quite attractive physically and cerebrally. Spell Czech!

A lovely lass with a lovely mind.

WE exchanged horror stories about the dating life.

I had plenty of wounds from Rejection. Rejection is a deadly scorpion.

My wounds were nothing compared to hers.

She had just been informed by her husband-to-be that he "no longer wanted to marry her".

I had my armor on. The Good Silent Knight that I am.

I was there for every turn.

She was tormented with Doubts. Doubts are foul dragons that attack the mind and spirit.
I gladly battled her dragons and destroyed them!
She thought she was ugly. If ya'll saw a picture of ANGELES...ya'll would not even utter the word "ugly" or "fea". No way, Jaime. Give Jose a break...why dontcha?

She thought she was too demanding and possessive. Nope. No way.  No How.

I told her she was a PRIZE. And I meant it with all of my heart and soul. Armor a shining in the moonlight nights. To slay a dragon in the moonlight....ah....tis a lovely and courageous thing!

She left for Boston the next year.

WE became friends. One cannot have too many friends.

I would have battled 1000 dragons and a 1000 armies for Angeles....without a shield and without armor! Just my sword!

She is now in Beantown pretty close to the altar.

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