Monday, November 9, 2020


 Is my great-grandmother's little room haunted? Is there a playful ghost getting his laughs by moving my brother's wallets around?

My brother isca creature of habit. He always stores his valuables in the same place. He keeps his 2 new wallets and an old one in a storage box. One day he could not find any of them.

He looked everywhere. It was odd. Quite unsettling.  Only 3 people live on this 10 acre property. WE do not travel much because of the Coronavirus pandemic.

About 2 days ago he found a bottle of cologne near a window. That is not where he keeps it. Furthermore, he rarely uses it! How did it get from its gift box to the window area?

He was checking his cold weather jacket and found one wallet in its pocket! He swears it was empty! He found the 2 other wallets in places he had checked before!

Do WE have a playful ghost?

Great-Grandma wasn't jokester. Not to my knowledge.

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