My 92 year old Mom lived through Segregation in the United States Of America. She went to a segregated elementary school where kids were fined 5 cents for speaking Spanish.
There was a small house 4 lots away where the Ku Klux Klan met to "decide what to do with Mexicans".
Mom was born in Mission, Texas. She is an American.
To a racist she is not an American. Even if she is born here.
A racist believes only Whites are Americans.
Irish priests were serving in her Mexican-American community's Catholic church. They encouraged the people to fight for their rights and against racism.
Raise your voice in song and in protest. Let your enemy know you do not fear evil.
WE Voted Early in Texas! WE voted for Joe Biden because he stands for Unity, Justice, Faith, Decency, Patriotism, Love, Tolerance, Science and Honesty.
President Trump stands for racism, division, hate and lies.
V.O.T.E. Vote Out Trump Expeditiously.
Mom's fist in the Foto.