It is Time To Talk Music. Big Mike is hanging around with "The Two Guys In Your Head" aka Pops and Frisco.
Mike: Fortune Cookies?
Pop: Frisco has connections!
Frisco: Mique! My-Keh! I can hook you up!
Mike: How are you two handling the Stay At Home deal?
Pop: Piece of cake! Let's Clobber Coronavirus! It sucks! It's deadly!
Frisco: Strawberry....strawberry cake! Plus Swedish coffee! Darla Dreems got me hooked on Gevalia Kaffe!
Mike: Wow. Darla transcribes and pushes coffee! What are you 2 listening to?
Frisco: Bro! A band from England! These dudes pack a punch and punch a pack! Straight Forward Rock! Defo, dig their style! SOURDOUGH is a killa band!
Pop: What he said! Man, I wish I had their music on Vinyl! Dylan Macias has been featuring this band. You know @plugrooster crowing! Sourdough can shift gears.
Mike: How so?
Frisco: I got this! Listen to "Expected". It is accoustic peach of a play! Sway-Sway...More than Okay! On "Mind And Body" Live by the way.... the band flex their musical muscle and jam the daylights out of that song! Different gears!
Mike: So you like the band?
Pop: Big Yeppa!
Frisco: Si, Ja, YES! Just crank it up and drive down Highway 107! Texas, baby!
Darla: Guys! Wear a mask or bandana!
Mike: Do What Darla Says!
Frisco: SOURDOUGH For The Win!
Pop: Absolutely! Keep Rocking, Sourdough!
The coffee is gone! A fresh box of Fortune Cookies is placed on the table!
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