Sunday, August 9, 2020


 Donald Trump launched his campaign for the White House in 2015 powered by racism. He called Mexicans rapists and drug dealers.

He became president because No One challenged him on his remarks. The Billionaire Bigot banked on people not caring about Mexicans. He cashed in and became president of the United States of America.

It did not stop at Mexicans.

Trump came for the LGBTQ community, Muslims, African-Americans, Asians, the press and anyone that dared oppose him.

Caging kids on tge Mexican border was his crowning achievement.

How could he top himself?

His mishandling of the Coronavirus Pandemic took the cake!

5.01 Million Americans infected with Coronavirus and 162,000 dead Americans as of August 9, 2020 is President Donald Trump's Golden Ticket!

WE need to Vote Trump Out in November 2020.

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