Sunday, June 14, 2020


Australia's DALLAS FRASCA takes State Highway 107 in the Mission, Texas stretch to McAllen, Texas and shreds it! WE love the sharp as an axe vocals and straight forward music! The guitar leads the charge! This is a Solid musical oufit! Check out "Check Bang"! That is a heavy number! The speakers got a workout as WE headed into the heart of McAllen, Texas!

100 Golden Crows! Check Out DALLAS FRASCA!

Side Story: I made the mistake of wearing my orange hooded jacket under my green one! WE had 4 McAllen, Texas police cars box US in! A suspect wearing a green jacket with an orange hood  had assaulted someone at the McAllen Labor Camp. The cops thought it was me! Huge mistake! Not even an apology! They see brown skin and think "Bad Guy"!

Off WE went rocking to DALLAS FRASCA!

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