President Donald Trump is a racist and corrupt poltician.
APPLE SUN TAT RAM! Mr. President.
President Donald Trump is a racist and corrupt poltician.
APPLE SUN TAT RAM! Mr. President.
The Republican Party will vote to acquit President Donald Trump. His impeachment does not matter to his loyal base.
The Republicans are betraying American democracy by caring more about party. Country comes second with the GOP.
WE hope John Bolton will step up as a patriot and reveal what Trump did wrong.
Will the former national security advisor do the right thing?
Am I the only one that dislikes getting email alerts at night?
Should John Bolton testify in President Trump's "impeachment trial"?
Bolton is Trump's former national security advisor. Trump claimes Bolton cannot participate because he has national security concerns.
Bolton should testify. He can tell the investigative body he cannot answer questions for national security reasons.
Ambassador John Bolton claims Trump told him Ukraine aid was tied to an investigation targeting the Bidens. Hunter Biden worked for a Ukrainian company.
The fact is President Trump fears Vice-President Joe Biden as a rival in the 2020 presidential election.
Trump wanted the president of Ukraine to dig up dirt on the Bidens. This strategy would help Trump.
Just ask Bolton questions pertinent to the Trump Impeachment case.
Bolton should testify.
Heads Up! There is a suspicious van in the area of 6 3/4 Mile Line on Stewart Road in Mission, Texas. The vehicle is white/cream colored.
The Texas license plate is HFN9147.
Would you watch Trump TV if it existed?
It would feature news, sports, weather, poltics and entertainment from a nationalistic point of view.
It would also have weekly Trump rallies.
The Impeached Trump would be yhe star of the network.
Favorite chants would include: "Ttump is the best racist", "Trump 45 is Super Corrupt" and "Donald The Divider".
I am such a bad dancer and I could provide video proof!
Bubbleworth is OUR Secret Blogger!
He will be joining team members now and then!
Look for #BubbaWorth
Unit 57 Alpha is a special group tasked with removing an American president that is deemed a threat to the United States Of America.
The Unit has specialized helicopters, weaponry & tactics.
Their code name is "The Movers".
This unit does not exist. Repeat: This elite unite does not exist.
It is purely fictional.
The Movers Are Here.
WE took a walk to check on Emerald the pig Monday evening before it got dark. It smelled like cologne. The scent was coming from Grandfather's house next door. The old ranch house is locked up. It is more museum than household.
So was it a ghost from Abuelito's casa? Grandpa never wore cologne. Aunt Alice wore perfume.
Uncle Joe wore cologne. He wore English Leather or Brut. Last night's phantom smellfest was closer to Old Spice.
Maybe it was Spring messing with OUR senses?
Do ghosts wear cologne?
WE have not had a chicken coop on the Dublin Ranch in Mission, Texas since the 1980s. No fresh eggs. No chickens for the coyotes to hunt.
WE had one rooster in the mid-1990s. He would crow at midnight and 4:00 in the morning. He would respond if he heard a rooster crow down the road. Macho type.
WE might consider having chickens ob the rancho.
The current team of dogs are not chicken friendly.
WE would love to vacation in Esperance, Australia. It sounds like a sweet spot!
Can y'all recommend a cool coffeeshop in Esperance, Australia?
Java Joy Worldwide!
Are you a security guard that blogs about your job? Do you tell tales of your life as a security guard?
Contact US at:
James Dean is a great topic for singer-songwriters. The eternal rebel without a cause sparks inspiration.
The Eagles took US for a ride to discuss Dean and his demise. A nice cruise.
DAVID KEENAN takes US for a stroll as he describes dreaming about James Dean. Dean works for Irish Rail. Sounds like a gig el rebelde sin causa would love. Let your ears and mind ride with Keenan's weaving lyrics. Poetic, powerful and passionate art is what you get from this Talentoso Irish singer-songwriter. The vocals sound Marvo!
Where can WE get the best Boston Cream Pie?
Asking y'all before WE ask Google and Bing!
I am no longer in Rhode Island. I am in Subtropic Sourh Texas. Fact.
New Zealand's THE RECENTLY DECEIVED is a rock band that plays with passion, guts and skill! Holy Hotcakes! Fact.
"Sweet Dying Love" brings it all IN! The vocals are Magnifico! Guitar powers it! The bass has its back and the drums hold it together!
Man, Oh, Man!
This band rocks! Great Song!